May 7 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

FEMINISM 4.O What feminist art looks like now
Join us at LACE in Hollywood for a panel discussion + launch celebrating Artillery’s May/June photography issue.
Moderator: Emily Wells
Panelists: Audrey Wollen, Amalia Ulman, Lili Bernard, Siobhan Hebron
Artillery’s May/June issue focuses on photography today and features artist Audrey Wollen, interviewed by writer Emily Wells. Wollen confronts notions of female objectivity via Instagram. Feminism continually takes on new roles and voices in contemporary art, but the approaches that some artists take have been met with controversy. The artists in this panel each work in different media; their perspectives, too, are nuanced and distinct. Our panel discussion will address questions such as: What does “feminist” art look like, and how does it function within the larger contexts of feminism and art? Panelists will each describe their own approach to feminist concerns, and in dialogue with one another.