By Crack Rodriguez
On view February 27 – June 26, 2022
Exhibition Location: MOLAA (Museum of Latin American Art) in Long Beach, CA
Co-curated by LACE Chief Curator Daniela Lieja Quintanar and MOLAA Chief Curator Gabriela Urtiaga
Visit MOLAA’s website for more information
We are delighted to announce DREAM TEAM exhibition by Salvadoran artist Crack Rodriguez at the Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA)!
Early last year, Rodríguez participated in an artist residency at LACE for the successful exhibition Intergalactix: against isolation/ contra el aislamiento, for which he created DREAM TEAM. At the height of the pandemic, Rodríguez organized a hybrid game at MacArthur Park, inviting members of the migrant community to participate in a soccer game. The artist wove dreamcatchers inside a fallen basketball hoop stand and a soccer goal post that were a part of the match. From this experience, Rodriguez created DREAM TEAM, a multimedia installation that explores the act of playing the game as a space to honor the struggles, efforts, and dreams of those who migrate to this country.
Click here for more about Intergalactix: against isolation/contra el aislamiento
Crack Rodriguez, b.1980, El Salvador
Crack Rodriguez is an artist and activist, and lives and works in La Libertad, El Salvador. He’s a member of The Fire Theory, an art collective based out of El Salvador. Rodriguez is also a member of the artistic movement “Los Siempre Sospechosos de Todo” (Those Always Suspicious of Everything).
His practice and actions are intrinsically related to social, political, and popular culture, from which ties to the public – who react and or participate in his practice – are built. Rodriguez resignifies his public, not as passive spectators but as accomplices of the action’s memory, to catalyze the rituals of the social context in order to question and demystify symbols and narratives belonging to abuses of power that seek to impose their acute vision of truth as the official one.
Rodriguez was a beneficiary and participant of the Landings project by curator Joan Duran Mérida, in Yucatán / Belize, which was an important influence on Rodriguez’s practice.
His work was presented at CreativeTime Summit 2017 “Patria y Revolución”, coordinated by Creative Time and The PowerPlant Art Gallery in Toronto to speak on his approach & practice: “Ignorance as Revolution and Fear as Homeland”. He completed his OPEN SOURCE RESIDENCE ART with The Fire Theory in September 2017 in Brooklyn, New York on situations related to migrations. Rodriguez has been nominated as a 2014 MISOL Emerging Artist Grant from the MISOL Foundation in Bogotá, Colombia. He was a member of the Zummer Paul Klee Academy in 2015, curated by Hassan Khan Berne, Switzerland. Rodriguez was selected for the artistic residence DESPINA 2016 “Art and activism in Latin America” in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from September-October 2016.
DREAM TEAM (Equipo de sueño)
Una co-presentación de LACE and MOLAA
En muestra el 27 de febrero 2022
Curaduría de Daniela Lieja Quintanar (Curadora en jefa de LACE) y Gabriela Urtiaga (Curadora en jefa de MOLAA)
Visita la pagina web de MOLAA para leer mas información, aquí
¡Estamos encantadxs de anunciar la exposición DREAM TEAM (Equipo de sueño)del artista salvadoreño Crack Rodríguez, en el Museo de Arte Latinoamericano (MOLAA)!
A principios del año pasado, Rodríguez realizó una residencia artística en LACE para la exitosa exposición Intergalactix: against isolation/contra el aislamiento, para la cual creó DREAM TEAM (Equipo de sueño). En el punto álgido de la pandemia, Rodríguez organizó un juego híbrido en MacArthur Park, invitando a lxs miembrxs de la comunidad migrante a participar en un partido de soccer, usando un aro de baloncesto tirado y una portería de fútbol en los que tejió una versión de atrapasueños. A partir de esta experiencia Rodriguez creó DREAM TEAM (Equipo de sueño), una instalación multimedia que explora el acto del juego como un espacio para honrar las luchas, los esfuerzos y sueños de quienes migran a este país.
Image: Documentation of No me quitan el sueño (They don´t take my dream away), 2021, part of DREAM TEAM installation. Photo by Vladimir Santos.