October 21, 2009 – January 17, 2010
Opening reception: 20 October 2009, 8PM
Tuesday 19 January 2010, 7PM – Mark Tribe, Sweet Child Solos
?Free and open to the public
A one-night performance that will feature several guitarists playing instrumental covers of “Sweet Child o’ Mine” by Guns N’ Roses and will result in a new work to debut on Thursday 21 January 2010.
LACE is pleased to present Mark Tribe: Port Huron Project, a video installation depicting reenactments of protest speeches from the New Left movement of the Vietnam era. Each reenactement took place at the site of the original speech and was delivered by an actor or performance artist to an audience of invited guests and passers-by.
Watch a video of the installation here.
Drawing upon traditions of political protest, civil rights, and public address, Port Huron Project reenactments traveled across the country and encouraged audience participation and dialogue. Employing actors and artists to restage these radical and historically monumental speeches, the project examines artists’ relationships with the roots of American democracy, and the way in which these issues are still relevant today.
“The goal was to use the speeches not just as historical ready-mades or conceptual-art explorations of context, but also as a genuine form of protest, to point out with the help of art how much has changed, yet how much remains the same.” – Mark Tribe
Last year, LACE teamed up with Creative Time and Mark Tribe to present Cesar Chavez’s 1971 speech We Are Also Responsible at Exposition Park. The documentation of this performance and other Port Huron Project reenactments, including The Liberation of Our People: Angela Davis 1969/2008 and Let Another World Be Born: Stokely Carmichael 1967/2008, were later screened on campuses, in art spaces, and distributed online as an open-source media. Locations included Park Avenue Armory in New York City, the National Center for Contemporary Art in Moscow, and MTV’s oversized HD screen in Times Square.
With large-scale video projections, the upcoming installation at LACE will bring these reenactments to life within the exhibition space. This encompassing spectacle will allow viewers to step inside each scene and become a part of the reenactment audience. With evocative declarations and calls to action, the video reenactments will allow audience members to experience the events that have undoubtedly shaped the world today.
See flyer for Mark Tribe’s reenactment of Cesar Chavez’s 1971 speech at Exposition Park.
See flyer for Mark Tribe’s reenactment of Cesar Chavez’s 1971 speech at Exposition Park (En Español)
For more information on the ongoing Port Huron Project, visit Mark Tribe.
Mark Tribe: Port Huron Project is made possible with the support of Creative Capital and the Visual Artist’s Network Exhibition Residency, a program of the National Performance Network, whose major contributors are the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Joan Mitchell Foundation, and the Nathan Cummings Foundation. For more information, www.npn.web.org.