March 2016
Plume Poetry Reading
Wednesday March 30, 7 - 9 PM. Plume Poetry Journal, MadHat Press and White Pine Press invite you to join us for a Plume Poetry Reading at LACE gallery in Hollywood. With Arthur Vogelsang, Susan Rich, Phillis Levin, Marilyn Kallet, Lynn Emanuel, Cornelius Eady, Andrea Cohen, Patricia Clark, Hélène Cardona, Ralph Angel, Daniel Lawless, Dennis Maloney, and Marc Vincenz. Free event. Refreshments and snacks will be served. Sponsored by Plume Poetry Journal, MadHat Press and White Pine Press.
Find out more »April 2016
Closing Events: A new job to unwork at
A new job to unwork at Closing weekend: April 15-17 Free + open to the public A new job to unwork at is an interdisciplinary research platform involving a core working group of Los Angeles-based artists and curators. Together with these participants, we have been examining the function of work as a dominant life-structuring construct; work as a function of ideology and normativity; work as an activity that shapes our lives, pays our rent, drives us mad, and gives us many pleasures.…
Find out more »May 2016
FEMINISM 4.O What feminist art looks like now Join us at LACE in Hollywood for a panel discussion + launch celebrating Artillery’s May/June photography issue. Moderator: Emily Wells Panelists: Audrey Wollen, Amalia Ulman, Lili Bernard, Siobhan Hebron Artillery’s May/June issue focuses on photography today and features artist Audrey Wollen, interviewed by writer Emily Wells. Wollen confronts notions of female objectivity via Instagram. Feminism continually takes on new roles and voices in contemporary art, but the approaches that some artists take have…
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