October 13, 2010 – December 19, 2010
Opening Reception 13 October 2010, 8PM – 10PM
LACE is proud to present Elysian Park Museum of Art (EPMoA) running 13 October – 19 December 2010 as a part of its PUBLIC INTEREST initiative. A constantly evolving association of artists and curators involved with EPMoA have created site-specific performances, installations, and actions that consider the fractured geography of the park — its unmapped trails, picnic areas, a stadium, a police academy, highway onramps, radio towers, squatter communities, and parking lots — with the goal of creating a cohesive investigation into the contemporary function of a museum, a park, and public spaces in general.
Since October 2009, the EPMoA has existed as a curatorial workshop, initiated through Telic Arts Exchange’s Public School Project, and as a public forum encouraging participation from a diverse and unaffiliated section of the park-using community. Through a series of monthly meetings in the park, participants have worked together to address issues of how to implement creative actions within the parameters of public fair use of Elysian Park, as well as raise questions about the relevance and significance of this project within the overlapping contexts of art history, local politics, and public engagement.
The LACE galleries have been transformed into the park visitor’s center complete with artifacts, benches, and foliage. The installation documents and recreates past and current EPMoA actions inside the park. Representatives of both the curatorial workshop and the park-using community will take part in the selection and presentation of documentation (sound recordings, photography, video, illustration, re-enactment, written description, etc.)
Additional performances and site-specific interventions allowed by fair use of the park are scheduled to occur inside Elysian Park during the course of the exhibition. Public events at LACE include performances, a class in museum studies and a guest speaker series to discuss the role of a museum, the ecology of the park, and more.
Stay up-to-date on activities happening in Elysian Park itself, visit the EPMoA website at www.epmoa.org
EPMOA FALL CYCLE press release