November 16, 2002 - January 18, 2003 Opening reception: 16 November 2002, 6 - 8 pm Joint artists’ presentation with Alice Könitz: 17 January, 2003 at 7 pm. This exhibition was organized ... [Read More]
November 16, 2002 - January 18, 2003 LACE presented Beacon by Rebecca Carter, a two-channel video installation that ran 16 November, 2002 through 18 January 2003. Beacon was the artist’s first solo ... [Read More]
Beautiful Ornaments as Shadows, Crashed Down and a Video of Flickering Light in a 70’s Office Tower
November 16, 2002 - January 18, 2003 LACE presented a solo exhibition by Alice Könitz that ran 16 November, 2002 through 18 January, 2003. An opening reception took place on Saturday 16 November ... [Read More]
The Fourth Annual Altoids Curiously Strong Collection (Recent Acquisitions)
October 5 - 26, 2002 Opening Reception: 5 October 2002, 5 - 7 pm The newest installation of the Altoids Curiously Strong Collection included work by Jesse Bransford, Trisha Donnelly, Sam ... [Read More]
The Radio
July 12 - 27, 2002 Described as "a sound theater presentation", The Radio, written and directed by visual artist William Leavitt, took place at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions at 8 pm. on July ... [Read More]