February 2, 1997 This bold event featured fearless feminist porn readings with writers Liz Belile, Molly Cleator, duVergne Gaines, El Rivera, Lisa Freeman, Jessica Pompei, and Judith Lewis with Kari ... [Read More]
UC Installations / Performance
November 11 - December 24, 1988 A group of up and coming artists who graduated from the UCLA Fine Arts Graduate School depicted their work. Artists featured: Skip Arnold, Gilbert Brebes, Molly ... [Read More]
Hey John, Did You Take The El Camino Far?
October 20 - October 28, 1984 (October 20, 1984, October 21, 1984, October 27, 1984, October 28, 1984) Multimedia performance by Lin Hixson, co-written by Valerie Faris and Molly Cleator, with ... [Read More]
Molly Cleator / Private Molly, Public Molly
October 28, 1983 Solo autobiographical performance by Molly Cleator about the dilemma of everyday life, using videotape and music. ... [Read More]