June 4, 1980 An installation piece with sculpture and drawings by Doni Silver, the first in the on-going Downtown Artists series shown in the Middle Gallery. ... [Read More]
Open Studios
April 12 & 13, 1980 Open Studios of several Downtown artists with group tours provided by LACE, featuring Terri Chevillat, David Schirm, Joe Grant, Joni Lehman, Mary Jones, Joe Clower, Gary ... [Read More]
2nd Annual Downtown Artists Exhibition / Six Downtown Sculptors
April 6 - 28, 1979 Sculptures by artists working and living in the downtown area. Artists included: Woods Davy, Bruce Edelstein, Rick Oginz, Doni Silver, Coleen Sterritt, and Jolynn Suzar. Work ... [Read More]
Open Studios
March 2, 3, & 6, 1979 Annual Open Studios of several Downtown artists sponsored by LACE and organized by Alexandra Sauer - Gil de Montes. Featuring Bruce Edelstein, Woods Davy, David Amico, Kim ... [Read More]