October 7 - November 8, 1981 Work by more than 30 artists that were altered or fixed up by Michael Uhlenkott and Jeffrey Vallance. Modification techniques included banging against and dragging over ... [Read More]
Open Studios
April 12 & 13, 1980 Open Studios of several Downtown artists with group tours provided by LACE, featuring Terri Chevillat, David Schirm, Joe Grant, Joni Lehman, Mary Jones, Joe Clower, Gary ... [Read More]
3rd Annual Downtown Artists Show / On and Off Broadway
April 1 - May 7, 1980 Exhibition of work in all media by nineteen artists who lived in downtown Los Angeles. Artists included: Bob Althouse, David Amico, Richard Armijo, Terry Chevillat, Sam Costa, ... [Read More]
The Animal Show
July 5 - 28, 1979 Two and three-dimensional works that explored animal images. Artists included: Nancy Buchanan, Mary Jones, Jan Lester, Joan Moment, Gayle Partlow, Patricia Patterson, and Mary ... [Read More]
Double X
July 8 - 31, 1978 A large group show by Double X, a women's organization. Artists included: Deanna Belinoff, Nancy Buchanan, Caron Colvin, Merion Estes, Judith Golden, Mayde Herberg, Connie Jenkins, ... [Read More]