February 19, 1988 Experimental vocalist Shelley Hirsch improvised with opera, country music, extended vocal technique, parody, characterization, movement and objects. ... [Read More]
The Wendy Perron Dance Company Workshop
November 11, 1987 A three-day workshop that focused on dance and language where artists combined Wendy Perron's movement ideas with their own to work on particular compositional problems. ... [Read More]
Kaja Gam / The Joy of Cooking
November 14, 1986, November 15, 1986 Text, film and movement used to examine three female archetypes, featuring Kaja Gam. ... [Read More]
Simone Forti / Movement Workshop and Performance
May 23 - May 31, 1986 (May 23, 1986, May 24, 1986, May 30, 1986, May 31, 1986) A two-day workshop offered by Simone Forti to dancers at all levels the first weekend; performances the second ... [Read More]
Ed Blackwell, Jana Hamisohn and Mel Waldron in Concert
January 15, 1982 Movement and music by Jana Haimsohn accompanied by jazz drummer Ed Blackwell and pianist Mel Waldron. Presented at the Biltmore Hotel in cooperation with Beyond Baroque and the ... [Read More]