October 22 - November 1, 1996 Located in venues throughout Hollywood, the festival celebrated 100 years of the moving image through art and included performances, installations, films and the ... [Read More]
LACE’s 8th Annuale
September 23 - November 6, 1994 Curated by Dave Hickey, Gorgeous Politics featured the works of Lisa Anne Auerbach, Carl Bronson, Dennis Olanzo Callwood, Annetta Kapon, Joan Mahoney, Cathy Silverman ... [Read More]
6th Annuale
September 6 - October 6, 1991 This 6th annuale was curated by Randal Davis. Artists featured: Susan Brenner, Ovidio Federici, Susan Hornbeak, Robert Kitzmiller, Susan Kornfeld, Kate Savage, Michael ... [Read More]