November 30, 1995 - January 13, 1996 Curated by Maria Guerra and featured work by Ani Benglian, Mark Bennett, Karen Lanzoni, Angie Lee, Marcos Lutyens, Jill Poyourow, Elizabeth Saveri, Patricia ... [Read More]
LACE’s 8th Annuale
September 23 - November 6, 1994 Curated by Dave Hickey, Gorgeous Politics featured the works of Lisa Anne Auerbach, Carl Bronson, Dennis Olanzo Callwood, Annetta Kapon, Joan Mahoney, Cathy Silverman ... [Read More]
VideoLACE Rough Cuts
March 28, 1993 Presentation of video art in its rough and raw form. ... [Read More]
VideoLACE Rough Cuts
December 5, 1992 Presentation of the newest video art in its rough and raw form. ... [Read More]
VideoLACE Rough Cuts
November 14, 1992 Presentation of the newest video art in its rough and raw form ... [Read More]