Gemidos de la Tierra (Wailings of the Land/Soil) by Jackie Amézquita March 25 and 26, 2023 Co-presented by LACE and LAND (Los Angeles Nomadic Division) RSVP here for the Sunday closing ... [Read More]
Cantadora, Shamana de Cabaret Por Carmina Escobar [ESP]
ES / EN A Heart Misshapen (A LACE Valentine Extravaganza) / Un Corazón Deformado (Extravaganza de San Valentín de LACE) Performance especial por Carmina Escobar DJ set por Sonido del Valle 14 de ... [Read More]
PRESS RELEASE: LACE 2023 Emerging Curators Announced
LACE Emerging Curators exhibition highlights seeds, soil and stars Artists focus on regenerative practices that sustain life as well as community. For LACE’s eighth annual Emerging Curators ... [Read More]