September 25, 1987 Readings by poets Ed Smith, Amy Gerstler and Bob Flanagan and a musical performance by the Steaming Coils whose mix of styles and instruments including slide guitar and saxophone ... [Read More]
Fringe Festival / Ruffles and Tassles
September 3, 1987 - September 27, 1987 LACE participated in the Lost Angeles Fringe Festival with the following after-hours events: The Ephemeral Nature of Nadame de Sade September 4, ... [Read More]
What Makes Donna Twirl / Four Way Cross / Steaming Coils
May 17, 1987 What Makes Donna Twirl combined elements of jazz, tribal rock, and free music; Four Way Cross performed mostly instrumental music and Steaming Coils explored three different areas of ... [Read More]
Independent Composer’s Association Concert Series
April 26 - May 31, 1987 A series of Sunday Concerts presented by LACE in conjunction with the Independent Composer's Association. ... [Read More]