Left to right: Jeny Amaya, Carmen Argote, Jessica Taylor Bellamy, Sherin Guirguis (photo by Monica Orozco), Zara Kuredjian, Won Ju Lim, noé olivas (photo by Elon Schoenholz), Nancy Popp, Kyoko ... [Read More]
Using Memory & Connection to Occupy Space: Art in the Virtual and Natural Realms
Photo Credit: "The Oculus" by Larry Kirkland, installed at the California Science Center in Los Angeles Using Memory & Connection to Occupy Space: Art in the Virtual and Natural ... [Read More]
LACE Benefit Art Auction 2010
CURATORS Andrew Berardini, Barbara Bestor, Andrea Bowers, Kristin Calabrese & Joshua Aster, Carolyn Castaño, Tim Christian, David Dick, Tomory Dodge, Robert Fontenot & Glenn R. Phillips, ... [Read More]